نظام نور برقم الهوية 1445 noor-moe-sa
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نظام نور برقم الهوية 1445 noor-moe-sa

موقع نتيجة نظام نور برقم الهوية فقط 1444-1445 noor.moe.sa والإستعلام عن نتائج طلاب المرحلة الإبتدائية المتوسطة والثانوية العامة الفصل الدراسي الاول
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 حلول كتاب انجليزي Lift Off 4 ثاني متوسط الفصل الثالث 1445 ف3

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 330
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/10/2016

حلول كتاب انجليزي Lift Off 4  ثاني متوسط الفصل الثالث 1445 ف3 Empty
مُساهمةحلول كتاب انجليزي Lift Off 4 ثاني متوسط الفصل الثالث 1445 ف3

ننشر لكم حلول كتاب اللغة الانجليزية Lift Off 4 لطلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط 1445 الفصل الدراسي الثالث ، ويمكنكم الاطلاع علي الحلول وتحميلها بصيغة PDF واليكم امثلة علي اسئلة كتاب
اقتباس :
unit journeys and trips
sultan can you have lunch whit us the day after tomorrow
…amir..that’s thursday isn’t it?sultan yes amir
ime very sorry i can’t come we’re going away for the weekend
unit 2 people animal places thing
some young insects eat wood and paper they
make holes when ey eat treas
unit 3 decisions decicision
unit 4 past present and future
Come for lunch
look, listen, ask and answwer.
look at the picture. Who can you see?
What are they doing?
Listen and answer. Omar and talking.
Which day is it?
Listen again, then ask and answer.
Why can’t Fred have lunch with Omar?
How are they going?
Match the sentences to the pictures.
Write 1 or 2 in each box.
Say, read and complete.
Listen, say and match.
say and read.
Look, say and write.
Read and listen and say.
Say the meaning of these words.
People, animals, places, things
How ill am I?
How heavy are elephants?
They are even bigger!
Look at our friends in England. Ask and answer.
Use questions with how.
Faisal is one of the cleverest students in my class.
Dalal is the tallest student in my closs.
A writing competition
Can I ask You some questions? Yes, Of course.
You asked about the Hajj.
I’ll send some information and pictures in an e-mail.
I hope, I’ll be able to …
I think I’ll be able to …
Omar’s scholarship trip
Yes, here it is. Look.
Stay safe, stay well
Things to do and see
Omar in England
We’re looking forward to Omar’s visit
Read, order and say.
This week’s project
At the International School
Fred’s project
Fahad’s invitation
You have to plan your route.
Start cooking!
I have to finish my homework befor I can watch the film.
Match the words and pictures.
Write Lenny’s questions.
Do the puzzle. Find the word.
Write sentences. Use ‘ll be able to …
Past, present and future
What day is the 2nd? In the evening? You’re arriving on Tuesday? What date are you flyion?
get something ready
Now check your answers in the Student’s Book.
Be prepared
Things to do and see
in the historic village of Brambling
We’re looking forward to Omar’s visit
Yesterday I bought a table …
This week’s project
All of the chidren in the study enjoy reading.
Look at the pictures and complete the table.
Read the passage and writr questions about the underlined words.
Write about Nina again. What does she have to do?
Complete the sentences about the Five Pillars of Islam.
The exhibition
Describe the object. Use your own words.
Fahad’s invitation
Finding out about things
Start cooking!
Learn about yourself and the world
How often do you clean your teeth?
Number these adverbs in order.
What do you know about water?

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حلول كتاب انجليزي Lift Off 4 ثاني متوسط الفصل الثالث 1445 ف3

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نظام نور برقم الهوية 1445 noor-moe-sa :: حلول الفصل الدراسي الثالث 1445 ف3 :: حلول الصف الثاني المتوسط 1445 ف3 الفصل الدراسي الثالث-
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